Why You Must Have a Covers in Your Dog Car Seats?

If you own a pet, you must be familiar with the stain odors and dog stench lingering inside your car after commuting with your furry friend for hours. This is the case with many pet owners who often take their dogs with them to the grocery store, park, or road trips. You can’t tell your … Read more

Categories Dog

Why Toys are Important for Dogs? Top 10 Dog Toys

Toys are one of the most essential pet accessories that can get to fulfill your dog’s life. Dogs need not attend schools or work at the office like humans; hence they have a lot of spare time in their hands. Pet Toys can help them utilize this time by keeping them engaged, relaxed, and disciplined. … Read more

Categories Dog

Top 10 Dog Car Seat Covers

Without proper dog car seat covers and restraints, your dog will spring onto your lap, chew on the seats, push its head out of the window, droll on the carpet, and even defecate. The stain odors and stench will linger inside the car for days. Moreover, dogs with shedding problems can leave a lot of … Read more

Categories Dog

Top 10 Car Seats for Small Dogs

car seats for small dogs

If commuting with a dog inside a car would have been easy, the car seats for small dogs would have never existed. We all know how harrowing it can be to drive with a pet inside your car. Skidding around the backseat, pushing their head out of the window, jumping on your lap; can be … Read more

Categories Dog

Top 10 Car Seats for Large Dogs

Most cars aren’t designed with dogs in mind, so it’s not easy to keep a dog stay in one place inside a car. They’ll often spring around, poke their head out of the window and even jump on the owner’s lap when they’re busy driving. There are many ways to keep your dog of different … Read more

Categories Dog

Do Dogs really need Dog Beds?

“Does my dog need a separate bed?” Many of you must have inquired this when you first brought a dog to your home. Dogs sleep more than us humans. They can sleep between 12 to 18 hours a day, depending on their age. Like us, dog beds must be comfortable with memory foam and enough … Read more

Categories Dog